I will be content to die if I know I have sung my whole song. Our songs are the lives we are designed to live so the world will be a better place after we have passed. We are often told to face our fears, but when it comes to determining that we want to […]
Category Archives: Imagining
Reasons For Leaving!
(I wrote this in response to recent blogs written by Thom Schultz about why people are leaving the church. His blogs are thought-provoking. Even though they are written from the “inside” of Christianity, he tries to address issues openly and honestly. His blog can be found at: Holy Soup.) Many people are leaving. It’s […]
It’s Too Bad Paul Didn’t Have Facebook
Frustration brings out the vocalist in us. A few of you quiet type B’s may not understand this, but those of us Type A’s that need to brush our tongue once in a while to clean up what we said that day, do. (Someone should probably come up with a brush for middle fingers and […]
Religious Muddling
I struggle being religious. Maybe I never grew up. Maybe being a youngest child messed with my need to be disciplined and responsible. My older siblings are shaking their heads yes about now. 🙂 In general, people were kind to me. I grew up with good people around me. I’m sure there were a few bad […]
We Must Act Now Part 4: Heaven And Hell And Right Now
There’s a great old allegory that crosses the religious and cultural boundaries of the East and West. Some details vary, but the message is identical. There are two rooms, one representing Hell and the other Heaven. Everything in the rooms is identical. There are tables, sumptuously covered with delectable food, with people seated around the […]
We Must Act Now Part 3: When Demonizing Marks Dialogue
When demonizing marks dialogue, you can know that change is imminent. We are desperately trying to hold on to outdated and inadequate answers to questions of culture, and as yet don’t see the need for new perspective. We build straw men of issues that are no longer relevant and shout louder because our sermonizing is falling on ears that […]
We Must Act Now, Part 2: It’s Time For Substantive Dialogue!
If we want a world for our kids to enjoy, we must act now! The velocity of the freight train we are on is too fast to make the curve we are taking to the future. We must jump off before we lose our ability to survive the leap. ( This is the 2nd Part […]