Labels - Ben Baughman


There were real Christians. That was us. Then there were Catholics and mainline churches and those who were not Pentecostal. They were all in the “maybe saved” category. Then came other religions. Judaism, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Animism. They couldn’t be saved unless they left and became Christian, preferably Pentecostal. Then there were agnostics […]

Reasons For Leaving!

  (I wrote this in response to recent blogs written by Thom Schultz about why people are leaving the church. His blogs are thought-provoking. Even though they are written from the “inside” of Christianity, he tries to address issues openly and honestly. His blog can be found at: Holy Soup.)   Many people are leaving. It’s […]

Apostle Paul

It’s Too Bad Paul Didn’t Have Facebook

Frustration brings out the vocalist in us. A few of you quiet type B’s may not understand this, but those of us Type A’s that need to brush our tongue once in a while to clean up what we said that day, do. (Someone should probably come up with a brush for middle fingers and […]

Apostle Paul

Paul Gets a Bad Rap

The Apostle Paul that is. He writes a third of what we call the New Testament. I feel sorry for him. He was an activist Benjamite Jew, a Pharisee who hated Jesus and the people following him. He got permission to imprison and kill the scum. Then he has this crazy experience and becomes an […]

Religious Muddling

Religious Muddling

I struggle being religious. Maybe I never grew up. Maybe being a youngest child messed with my need to be disciplined and responsible. My older siblings are shaking their heads yes about now. 🙂 In general, people were kind to me. I grew up with good people around me. I’m sure there were a few bad […]

Fundamentalism Bondage

The Bondage of Being Right

Many years ago my mother-in-law and I were having a conversation that has impacted me to this day. I don’t remember the details, but I have never forgotten her saying, “Ben, there’s as much bondage in having to be right as any other bondage”.