Blog Posts

I’m Back!

So, what’s my excuse for not writing on my blog in the last 18 months? My computer broke. My arthritis ...

Still Burning!

I wrote the following four years ago while still pastoring. I was still a year away from hearing “pancreatic cancer” ...


Do you ever long for something? To be noticed? To be loved? To be well? To be rich? To be ...
grace writers

Listen To The Grace Writers!

Hey-a question for you: Do you need saving? No…I don’t mean something like…”did you give your life to Jesus?” Or…”did ...

Do to others… Third Grade and a Bad Hair Day

My father always cut my hair. We had a wonderful family friend who was a barber. I think he taught ...
Imagining a better world

Refurbishing Old Hiking Boots

Now, when I was a kid, I was raised with a 90% mentality. We were pretty good conservative Christians who ...

New Training for New Terrain

Our children are very different from my wife and I and dissimilar from each other as well. This was apparent ...