“Potential Reached” Must Replace “Perfection” in The Vocabularies of Our Minds

Replace Perfection with Potential Reach

The problem with perfection is that we never reach it. That’s universally accepted, and even the most arrogant would not claim its accomplishment.

The word perfection need not go away, but must be removed as the baseline for human achievement. It begs comparison and causes constant competition in realms of delusion about our individual value.

We constantly fall prey to the deceitful corruptions of power as we parry to maintain the perception of our worth on the perfection scale.

We lie, cheat, brag, gossip and malign others through vocal judgment, so that we can ascend on a comparison scale that is completely illusory. Perception of moving up the scale by these means conceals the reality of plummeting because of the methods we’ve utilized.

“Potential Reached”, however, is a humbling concept. We assess our design. We implement our strengths to their best use. We battle to overcome that which hinders our offering of who we are. We proffer that which leaves our world stronger for the gift.

No comparisons to another.

No angling for position.

The list we keep of all those sins of imperfection that we judge others by?

Replaced by one that lists our “sins” as those thoughts and words and actions that hinder us from giving our gifts to the world.

The only judgment needed is corporate pronouncement against all power and greed that controls and uses others for its selfish benefit.


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  1. Although post this post brings many thoughts to mind, I find those thoughts flitting around here and there like a cloud of butterflies. Though I may have more to offer later when things settle more, for now I want to offer one thought: Strive to be the best “you” you can be, without settling.

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